Moncus Park’s Conservation Club: Preserving the Beauty of Louisiana Irises

On Saturday, July 20th, the dedicated members of Moncus Park’s Conservation Club were hard at work at a particularly colorful locale within our grounds—Lake Reaux. Their mission? To collect seeds from our treasured collection of Louisiana Iris hybrids, ensuring the preservation and continuity of these stunning flowers.

The task at hand involved carefully snipping the spent stalks of the iris plants. This crucial step helps the plants conserve energy for the next blooming season and prevents our specially cultivated hybrids from reproducing into new, unintended variations. By controlling the seed dispersal, we can maintain the purity and intended aesthetics of our iris collection.

Louisiana Irises are not only a symbol of our state’s rich botanical heritage but also a key component of the local ecosystem. The Conservation Club’s efforts contribute significantly to our ongoing mission to sustain the park’s native flora. This weekend’s activity is just one of the many ways the club supports our environmental initiatives, fostering a vibrant, biodiverse park landscape.

We owe a huge thank you to all the volunteers who participated in this weekend’s seed collection. Their commitment to conservation and enthusiasm for maintaining the park’s beauty are what make these initiatives possible. It’s through efforts like these that Moncus Park remains a thriving sanctuary for both people and wildlife!

Join the Effort!

The Conservation Club is always open to new members who share a passion for nature and community service. If you’re interested in participating in future conservation activities and helping us keep Moncus Park a beautiful, sustainable space for all, please reach out to us. Your involvement could make a significant impact on our environmental conservation efforts. Sign up by visiting