Remember a loved one or honor a special occasion with a commemorative gift. Commemorative gifts can be made in honor of a friend or family member; celebrate birthdays or anniversaries; or serve as a special, life-long tribute. These gifts create a legacy that lives on in Moncus Park and provide important support to our mission!


Plaque recognition will be placed in a location mutually chosen by the donor and Moncus Park.

  • Bench
  • Loungers
  • Adirondack Chairs
  • Trees

Please email or call 337-500-1177 for more information and details about the selection of trees and benches. We are happy to work with you to create a special tribute that fits your individual needs!


At Moncus Park, we value donors who help secure our park’s future through planned giving. By including Moncus Park in your will, retirement plans, life insurance policies, or partnering with the Community Foundation of Acadiana, you can leave a lasting legacy and ensure our greenspace remains a vibrant community treasure for generations to come.

Click below to learn how your planned gift can make a perpetual impact on our community’s green heart.

Please email or call 337-500-1177 for more information or to discuss your planned giving process.

*The information provided is not intended as legal or financial advice. Moncus Park strongly encourages you to discuss any planned giving options with your Attorney, CPA or Financial Advisor to ensure that it meets your objectives.