Community Partners LA Cares: How Do I Plant a Rose Garden? – CANCELLED
This program has been cancelled due to colder temperatures this week. We can’t wait to see you next year when programming kicks off again!
Community Partners LA Cares presents “How Do I Plant a Rose Garden?”
Roses are favorable and beloved flowers that hold a symbol of love, romance, and friendship throughout the world. From a single blossom to large bushes and shrubs blanketed with intoxicating blooms, no flower is closer to a gardener’s heart as the rose. Consider creating a rose garden in your backyard and adding color and happiness to your home’s landscape. With these helpful tips, we will show you how to start a rose garden at home, opening pathways toward luxurious blooms and glossy foliage that will adorn your yard for years to come.
Learn more by attending this program Thursday, November 17 at 6:00 pm.