Advancial Lunch & Learn Two Part Series
Join Advancial as they host a two-part Lunch and Learn Series with complimentary lunch for all attendees under the Market Oaks during the lunch hour on the dates below.
April 12: Your Money Trivia (12:00pm-1pm)
Advancial is a not-for-profit, member-owned financial institution with an array of financial products and services, plus competitive rates on loans!
In this presentation, we will test your knowledge on all things money and financial wellness. It’s TRIVIA TIME, so grab put on your thinking cap and see just how savvy you really are!
April 26: Your Money Personality (12:00pm-1pm)
What does money mean to you? How do you react when a situation arises that requires you to make a financial decision? Understanding how you relate to money could help you better manage your finances.
Join us for a seminar where we’ll discuss the connection between personality traits and financial habits: strengths, struggles, ideas and open dialogue.